Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Nurses Regarding Therapeutic Communication at Tertiary Care Hospital


  • Saher Gul The Superior University Lahore Pakistan
  • Humaira Saddique The Superior University Lahore Pakistan.
  • Rubina Jabeen The Superior University Lahore Pakistan.



Therapeutic Communication, Nurse-Patient Relationship, Tertiary Care Hospital, Healthcare Communication, Nursing Education, Patient Outcomes


Background: Effective communication in healthcare settings is pivotal for enhancing patient outcomes and fostering a cooperative environment between patients and healthcare providers. Therapeutic communication specifically plays a crucial role in establishing a rapport between nurses and patients, which can significantly impact the quality of care provided.

Objective: The study aimed to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of nurses regarding therapeutic communication within tertiary care hospitals in Lahore, identifying areas for potential improvement.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted over nine months using a validated questionnaire to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of nurses. A total of 154 nurses were randomly selected using Slovin’s formula for sample size determination. Data collection involved demographic and professional experience details, followed by specific questions on therapeutic communication. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 25.0 was utilized for data analysis, employing descriptive and inferential statistics to interpret the data.

Results: The results showed that 33.1% of nurses exhibited low knowledge levels, 39.0% moderate, and 27.9% high knowledge about therapeutic communication. Regarding attitudes, 57.1% of nurses displayed a positive attitude while 42.9% had a negative attitude towards therapeutic communication. In practice, 61.7% of nurses demonstrated good practice of therapeutic communication, whereas 38.3% displayed poor practices.

Conclusion: The study concluded that while there is a moderate understanding and positive attitude towards therapeutic communication among nurses, significant portions still require further training and improvement. Enhanced educational programs focusing on therapeutic communication could bridge existing knowledge gaps and refine practices, thereby improving patient care outcomes.


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Author Biographies

Saher Gul, The Superior University Lahore Pakistan

BSN (Generic) Student, Department of Nursing, The Superior University Lahore Pakistan.  

Humaira Saddique, The Superior University Lahore Pakistan.

Course Coordinator Department of Nursing, The Superior University Lahore Pakistan.

Rubina Jabeen, The Superior University Lahore Pakistan.

Principal Department of Nursing, The Superior University Lahore Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Gul, S., Saddique, H., & Jabeen, R. (2024). Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Nurses Regarding Therapeutic Communication at Tertiary Care Hospital. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 4(2), 144–148.

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